DATAWorks Speakers and Abstracts

Dr. Barney Ricca

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis
Day 1, Room: C 9:00 AM-4:00 PM

Dr. Bernard (Barney) Ricca is a Research Associate Professor at the Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, and the President of the Society for Chaos Theory, Psychology, and Life Sciences. His research focuses on the development of nonlinear dynamical systems analysis approaches and the applications of dynamical systems to the social and behavioral sciences, particularly to dynamics of trauma survivors. Recent projects include analyses of hurricane and wildfire survivors and a study of small-group dynamics in schools. He is currently the Co-Principal Investigator on an NSF-funded project to investigate the post-trauma dynamics of motor vehicle accident survivors. He received a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Michigan.

Abstract: R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis

The Carpentries more introductory R lesson. In addition to their standard content, this workshop covers data analysis and visualization in R, focusing on working with tabular data and other core data structures, using conditionals and loops, writing custom functions, and creating publication-quality graphics. As their more introductory R offering, this workshop also introduces learners to RStudio and strategies for getting help. This workshop is appropriate for learners with no previous programming experience.

Session Materials Website: